Shaping AI Policy To Safeguard Our Technological Future with Daniel Colson

On this episode, I am joined by Daniel Colson, Executive Director of the AI Policy Institute, to consider some pressing issues. Daniel shares his insights into the risks, opportunities and future directions of AI policy.

Key Takeaways:

(02:15) Daniel analyzes President Biden's recent executive order on AI.
(04:13) Differentiating risks in AI technologies and their applications.
(08:52) Concerns about the open-sourcing of AI models and abuse potential.
(16:45) The importance of inclusive discussions in AI policymaking.
(19:25) Challenges and risks of regulatory capture in the AI sector.
(26:45) Balancing innovation with regulation.
(33:14) The potential for AI to transform employment and the economy.
(37:52) How AI's rapid evolution challenges our role as the dominant thinkers and prompts careful deliberation on its impact.

Resources Mentioned:

AI Policy Institute Website

#AIRegulation #AISafety #AIStandard


AI's Impact on Healthcare and Legislation with Congressman Buddy Carter


Balancing AI Innovation and Equitable Health Benefits with Professor Effy Vayena